I recommend the book "Matilda" by Roald Dalh to the children who love reading.
The book is related to Fantasy as the main character has special magic powers.
It is about a girl name Matilda Wormwood, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Wormwood, younger sister of a boy name Micheal. Matilda is smart, very smart, but her parents care about nothing but themselves, her school headteacher dislikes her. But Matilda is way too smart to be treated like a freak, smart people have smart ideas, a series of humour revenge start to do its job.
The story is easy and pleasant, it relaxes people by showing people the punishment set upon bad people to let them get what they deserve.
"Matilda" tells children bad people get bad endings, good people get good endings. It also teaches some preschool kids how to do the two times table, and how to spell "cat" and "what".
P.S:I expect the movie to be great.